xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> Marshallland: 29 weeks...

Monday, July 28, 2008

29 weeks...

i thought this was only appropriate to follow up on the last blog...a picture of my growing belly! mostly due to baby, but i can't deny that those cookies could have helped...which is why i am in my workout attire!

i really have been awful about taking pictures of my belly with this pregnancy. i had every month captured when i was pregnant with noah. i think this is the first belly picture this time around...i think about it, but just don't get around to it. so per sarah's request, here is my big belly! (excuse the disgusting, i-just-worked-out look)

expected due date will be around september 30th (scheduled c-section.) so about 10 weeks left! yeah!


Sarah said...

One hot mama! 10 weeks! AHH! She's going to be here so soon. It sure goes fast when it's NOT YOU!

Tammy Ashjian said...

hip hop hooray! That's so exciting!
I LOVE the video monitor too. It's THE BEST. excpet my 2nd camera just broke or something, so I have to get a new one! congrats!

Pepper Lovin! said...

Gavins b-day is Sept 29th that is the best time to have a baby in my opinion. it's not to hot and it's about to cool down. You look great. I am coming to Dallas in August I think I want to see you.