xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> Marshallland: shout out to tammy jean...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

shout out to tammy jean...

so i had my neice, bri, over last night and wanted to make a special treat with lots of chocolate...then i remember the best cookie recipe on this planet! this is super yummy and easy to make! make your favorite chocolate chip cookies (mine still don't come close to yours, kara, but i'm trying!) and right when you take them out of the oven, place a reese's cup right in the middle...the result is crazy delicious!
try it. try it TODAY!

thanks, tj, for introducing this to me... and the many pounds to gain from it!


Elizabeth J. said...

Ummm those look so delicious.

I want one so badly.

I have none of the ingredients.

It's Sunday...

Would this count as an "the ox is in the mire" moment so I could run to the store? :)

Tammy Ashjian said...

thanks for the shout out! those look so yummy! we actually JUST made those for a YW's activity. every time there's a 5th week in the month it's a cooking activity. that was our last one!

Anonymous said...

Those look yummy! Nice camera, nice presentation!

Sarah said...

Can you ship some of those to Vegas? And, also, I think it's time to post some prego belly shots!

Erickson Fam said...

Dang, those look good. Did Bri save us any??