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Sunday, August 30, 2009

to go no more out...

Thanks to Tyson and Kari's needing a babysitter this past Friday night and us being in San Diego, we were able to have their babysitter also watch Noah and Lyla. This allowed Sonya and I time to go to a movie. We went and saw "The Time Travelers Wife."

It was a decent movie. But the ending made me think. If you haven't seen it and plan to, then perhaps you shouldn't read this post. I will give you a few more words to allow you to decide. Okay... Well near the end of the movie the husband dies, but since he is a time traveler, his younger self was able to go into the future, to four years after his death and visit his widowed wife for a few moments. Now I was thinking about this.Often you hear people say, "What I would give to see (so and so) again." or "I would give anything to be held just one more time." Not me. I don't want just one more minute or one last embrace, just to say goodbye again. All the pain, all the tears and loneliness returning would not be worth just a few moments, to me. It would be as though I were losing that person all over again.

In Alma 34:36 we read; "he has also said that the righteous shall sit down in his kingdom, to go no more out." That is what I want...not just a moment, and for that blessing I would give anything!

1 comment:

Elizabeth J. said...

I read the book, so I am anxious to see the movie. I don't know how i would feel about the chance for "one more goodbye". I can see the appeal (as it applies to my Jack) and I can see your point, too. Glad you guys got a date night!