xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> Marshallland: always into something...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

always into something...

so this morning, one minute noah was helping me UNfold laundry and then not even a minute later, I heard water running somewhere. after a mad dash to noah's bathroom, this is what i found...


Sarah said...

He has GOT to be related to Jamison. How funny.

Tammy Ashjian said...

oh yeah, my girls do that all the time. lately, i've been letting them play in the kitchen sink while i make dinner. it entertains them with me right there, and i get to make dinner in peace...sort of!

Tara said...

that is hilarious. He is just like Breyden. Into EVERYTHING!!!

Mom said...

I am a big fan of sink baths.
Noah is adorable.
I love him!
G'ma Marshall

OuR LiTtLe FaM said...

Hi Sonya! It has been so long since I have seen you but I found your blog address on your myspace page and had to check it out! Your family is so beautiful and growing! Your baby boy is getting so big and he is sooooo gorgeous. I love his hair and those beautiful eyes! He is a doll! I can't wait to see pics of your new arrival!! I just had a baby and was so excited when I looked at your page cause I saw that you are doing baby announcements!! I need you to do mine... I just LOVE your style!! I know you guys are in Texas... so are you doing them for people in LV? I have a blog too... check it out... theswappfamily.blogspot.com or email me at ashswapp@gmail.com and I can email you my phone number!!

Daren said...

Awesome... i love reading about your adventures.