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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So, I have now decided that my "mother's intuition radar" is completely off! I have been wrong with both babies now! We found out last week that we are having a girl!! We're so excited...but I am scared! I have figured out how to do boy really well (so far)... now I have to look for dresses & bows! I can tell this going to be a whole new ballgame. Now, deciding on a name is the next big step...some that are on our list are... Ava, Austin, Chloe, Quincy (that's on my list!), and...who knows, I am glad we have a little while to figure it out! What do you guys think about Beverly?!


Tara said...

congrats!!! girls really are fun. at least so far. I love the name Ava!!!

Sarah said...

Uhm, I wasn't going to post a comment until I saw that last word. Beverly? Ava has my vote.

Elizabeth J. said...

Yeah for girls!! I am so happy for you guys!

Beverly would be AWESOME! Hard to live up to the reputation though...

I like Chloe...that was one of the names we considered :)

Emily said...

congrats on your girl! I've been wondering how you are for years and found your blog! (this is emily martino if the last name through you). So fun to see what's going on. I'll be in Texas for a couple weeks this summer--we should get together!

Tara L. said...

Hi Sonya,
Remember me, Tara Lemos. I found your blog on Angie's blog. Congratulations on your little girl. I am so happy for you and your growing family. Keep in touch. You can check us out at ptllemos.blogspot.com
p.s. Chloe is a great name, that was on my list when I had Lindsay.

Mr. Mustachio said...

I think the name Marsha Elle would be perfect.