I think of the sofa that I am comfortably sitting on and remember how it was my bed for a while to not wake up little Lyla by my early alarm. I can see myself with some buddies from school marching around trying to memorize various things. I think of all the sacrifices that Sonya made to help put me through school. The home was seemingly always clean. The children always taken care of and the bills always paid. Not uncommonly marriages fail when one of those involved is in a school like mine. Yet within these walls our marriage was safe.
The rewards from the happiest days of my life where brought back to this home. My son Noah and daughter Lyla. Thankfully this home had room for my mother and Sonya's mother to come and assisted during these glorious experiences. But this home safely watched over these most valued parts of my life. I have seen Noah roll over, crawl, walk and run within the walls of this house. Lyla is following suit but is only to the crawling part. This home has often been filled with the laughter of our happy children.
This home will most definitely be missed. We are ready to move on and begin the next stage of this journey but this home will be part of some of my greatest memories. Of course as I look around this home I remember the hard times, but when this home is locked for the last time by me it will be locked by a family that is together and progressing toward our eternal goal.