so, it has been a crazy month and i think may is going to follow suit. we are packing, getting ready for our move to california, loren had his 3rd round of board exams (and passed, of course:), we had a fun trip to san antonio with friends, we signed off on our house today :(, loren could probably take his toothbrush and pjs to school since that is his home now, and westwillow has my head spinning... we have had a lot going on and so, a month after our last post, this is going to be a doozy! i sat at the computer for 2 hours downloading the pictures off our camera so get ready...
fort worth zoo

someone is not getting that camera back... 

my favorite picture of the day...
I came in to find Loren sitting with both of the kids before bedtime...
i don't know how we are going to make it without him while he is mexico for 3 months.

this is a classic "loren" face...
she's a mover
6 months and is starting to crawl and can sit up on her own

easter photo shoot...

stay tune for the may update featuring our move to the mountains!
running springs get ready!